By Media Office Staff

The California Energy Commission (CEC) will conduct a workshop webinar on February 5 to discuss the research roadmap on renewable energy generation technologies for utility-scale applications.
In 2017, the CEC contracted with Energetics Incorporated to develop a roadmap that would prioritize investment opportunities to increase the cost competitiveness, flexibility, and reliability of renewable energy generation in California.
Topics scheduled for discussion during the webinar, which begins at 10 a.m., will be research priorities for solar energy, land-based wind energy, offshore wind energy, bioenergy, small hydropower, geothermal energy, grid infrastructure, and energy storage.
The roadmap will strategically target future Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) program investments to optimize benefits to investor-owned electric utility ratepayers and maximize public research and development investments.
The EPIC program drives clean energy innovation and entrepreneurship by funding research that accelerates achieving California’s goal of a 100 percent clean energy generation system by 2045.
The program invests more than $130 million annually in scientific and technological research to accelerate the transformation of the electricity sector to meet California’s energy and climate goals.
The EPIC program benefits electricity ratepayers from the state’s three largest investor-owned utilities – Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric Company.
Information about how to attend by WebEx is in the workshop notice. The draft research roadmap will posted before the workshop at the docket log.